Post and pigeon holes

Pigeonholes for student post can be found in the Computer Room, on the ground floor of the College Library; post is organised alphabetically by surname.

Parcels or packages received at College for students are stored at Reception. You will be notified by email if a parcel or package arrives for you and should collect it as soon as reasonably possible. While every care is taken to look after student parcels the College accepts no responsibility for them.

All parcels delivered to College must be of a small and reasonable size and the College reserves the right to, and will, refuse oversized parcels.

Parcels not collected within seven days of delivery to College will be disposed of. We are unable to accept fresh produce at Reception, this restriction does not apply to flowers. Parcels cannot be accepted during College closures or at weekends.

We are unable to forward post so part-time students and those not resident in Oxford are advised to check the pigeonholes when they are in College.

If you are a College alumni, your post will passed to the Alumni Office, who will contact you to arrange for it to be forwarded on. Please keep your alumni record up to date to help facilitate this.

If you are a recent graduate, you will be contacted at the end of Trinity Term to advise that the post is available for collection until the end of August. If you are unable to collect the post by this deadline and the return address is known, it will be returned to sender, otherwise, it will be destroyed.

You may leave notes for Fellows of the College and administrative staff at Reception. Students who wish to take advantage of the free internal messenger service (to other Oxford Colleges and departments) may do so by leaving post with staff on Reception. The College will NOT pay for any external mail to be sent.

College news and events emails are circulated weekly during term time to advise of seminars, dinners and other activities taking place at College. The MCR Committee also circulates details of its social activities separately, during the year. 

Updated on: 21/07/2023