
Matriculation is the ceremony that marks your formal admission to the University’s academic community. The vast majority of students who are admitted to the University are required to matriculate at a ceremony in Oxford within the first three terms on course and prior to final assessment.

The College is responsible for making the arrangements for the matriculation of all its students and your College Offer Letter will have included information about what arrangements apply in your particular circumstances.

Standard arrangements

The majority of students commencing study this Michaelmas term should attend the ceremony on Saturday 14 October 2023. Full details of this ceremony and instructions for arranging your attendance will be issued by the Academic Office when all conditions of admission have been met. The University of Oxford expects that all students will be in Oxford around this date for teaching. If your course does not require you to be in Oxford, Kellogg College expects those who live close enough to Oxford to make sustainable travel arrangement to attend. If you are unable to attend, it is possible to request permission to postpone your attendance to a later matriculation ceremony.

Students starting at a later point in the year (i.e. in Hilary or Trinity terms) who are required to matriculate in person will do so at a ceremony on either Thursday 7 March 2024 or Thursday 13 June 2024.

The matriculation ceremony is a formal occasion on which full academic dress must be worn. Following the ceremony, we invite students to join the President and Fellows for a celebration at College. The University does not allow guests to attend matriculation ceremonies and we are unable to accommodate them at the celebrations afterwards.

Alternative arrangements

The University has exceptionally agreed alternative arrangements for students enrolling for certain programmes of study. These arrangements apply to all students joining those programmes and exceptions are not permitted for individual students.

Students joining the following programmes will matriculate in absentia (in absence) and are not able to attend a ceremony.

  • Executive Master’s in Business Administration (“EMBA”)
  • MSc Major Programme Management
  • MSc Taxation
  • MSc Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care
  • MSc ​Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching
  • MSt in Practical Ethics
  • MSc Educational Assessment
  • MSc Teacher Education
  • MSc Learning and Teaching
  • MSc Medical Education

Individual exemption from attendance for previous matriculation and incorporation

Under University Statutes and Regulations students who would otherwise be required to matriculate in person are exempted from this requirement in the following circumstances:

  • If a student has previously matriculated at the University of Oxford (e.g. in order to study for an undergraduate or previous graduate degree) they cannot matriculate again. They will not, therefore, attend a ceremony.
  • If a student has previously studied at either the University of Cambridge or at Trinity College, Dublin, and obtained one of a specific list of degrees as a result, they may choose to incorporate. Students choosing to incorporate are deemed to matriculate at the same time and, therefore, do not attend the matriculation ceremony. Please note that students incorporating may be charged a fee by the University.

The individual exemption must be confirmed in advance by the Academic Office.

Exceptional arrangements

If you feel it will be impossible to attend a matriculation ceremony in person, please discuss this with the Academic Office

Updated on: 11/07/2023