Health, wellbeing and disability support


 If you have a disability, Specific Learning Difficulty or a long-term medical condition, then we advise you to register with the University’s Disability Advisory Service (DAS). This is the best way to ensure co-ordinated support for your studies and living in Oxford.

You may also wish to contact the Academic Office at to find out what support may be available for you.  

 Getting help with your mental and physical health 

 Kellogg College wants to support all students with their mental and physical wellbeing. You can reach out to the Academic Office at any time for support, or one of the many Welfare Contacts. All contact details can be found in our Student Handbook Wellbeing Contacts

 As a student, you can also access the University Counselling Service. 

 All students also have access to a free, confidential mental health support service called  Togetherall. Likewise, if you have personal circumstances that may mean you require support, such as being a carer, do contact the Academic Office, who will be able to advise you. 


The College site is accessible to wheelchair users. There is an accessible workspace in the Library, and a large monitor prioritised for students with a visual impairment. The College has some funds available to help assist students with disabilities or unanticipated costs arising from a medical condition; this may be as proposed by the University’s Disability Advisory Service or supported by medical evidence. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If you feel this may be of interest to you, please contact the Academic Office. 

Please go to the University website for further details of available support.

Updated on: 14/08/2024