Security at College
It is important that you take care of your belongings whilst you are in College. DO NOT leave your laptop or other items unattended, even for a very short time. The College has a number of small personal lockers that can be used to store personal belongings when on site for short periods, less than 24hours only; these are situated on the left at the top of the small flight of stairs leading to the Geoffrey Thomas Building at 60 Banbury Road. Each locker will be emptied using a secure master key at 09:30 every working day, this is to ensure that they are always available during events and not used for longer term storage. Any items remaining in a locker when they are cleared will be stored securely at Reception. In order to reclaim your belongings you will be required to provide the locker key and details of the effects. Again, all possessions will be taken from the locker and stored elsewhere for four weeks only, after which time they will be disposed of.
If you are working in College outside office hours, please ensure that you close all doors and lock all windows upon leaving, particularly if you are the last person to leave. Never allow anyone to follow you into a building unless you know them to be a member of the College.