Welcome to Kellogg College
From the President

Professor Jonathan Michie President, Kellogg College
Welcome to Oxford and to Kellogg! I hope and trust that your time with us will be both enjoyable and rewarding.
Over the past two academic years, since the initial March 2020 lockdown, we have done our best to engage with our students across the globe through a range of online events and dialogue – as well as with those students who have remained on site, living in College. We’re currently working hard to ensure College life remains safe as we welcome new and returning students to campus life.
A member of the College’s academic community will be assigned as your College Advisor, and if you have a question or need assistance with anything, you can contact them for advice. You may also call on the Academic Administrator and other Academic Office staff, the Senior Tutor, the Dean, the Vice-President, or myself – I am always pleased to talk with our students. You will, I am sure, find the College staff and officers approachable; we welcome suggestions about how we might support our students more effectively.
I also meet with the elected officers of the Middle Common Room, which represents all our students, so I would urge you to become involved, help organise and enjoy the range of academic, cultural, sporting and social events that the MCR and College host and support. Above all, get to know your fellow students, many of whom will, I am sure, remain friends for life.
Professor Jonathan Michie
President, Kellogg College