Musical activities at Kellogg
Kellogg has a rich musical life and there is much to get involved in whether as a performer or spectator.
College Concerts
Biannual concerts are organised by the MCR Committee and College for Michaelmas and Trinity terms. A concert each year is dedicated to the memory of Dr Diana Wood. The concert is named in her honour, recognising Diana’s great contribution to Oxford and its students and her benefaction which helped Kellogg establish its first fully endowed doctoral scholarship. The concerts are informal and showcase largely classical music played by College or University members, though lighter music and jazz are welcome.
If you would like to take part, or have any queries or suggestions for musical activities at Kellogg, do contact the MCR Arts and Culture Officer or the MCR President.
College Grand Piano
The College has a grand piano, which has a rich tone, available in the Dining Hall for use by College members. For more information about using the grand piano, please contact Reception,